A One-Day Online Retreat for Women
(Formerly A Course on Happiness)
Led by Vikki Stark, internationally known divorce recovery expert
September 6, 2025
11am - 4:30pm Eastern
Come work with me for a full day, moving beyond betrayal so that you can step into the next positive chapter in your life. Beyond Betrayal is for you to focus on your own growth, no matter what stage you’re at. The primary focus is not on understanding why your husband left or how he could seem so heartless. Instead, the spotlight is on you and now that this traumatic thing has happened, how you are going to build back a meaningful and happy life.
What to expect at Beyond Betrayal
The day will be divided into three workshops. The first will start at 11am EST, making it possible for those of you on the west coast, Britain or Africa to be able to join (sorry about you Australians!). Each workshop will be 1½ hours long followed by a half hour break. During the break, the group will be separated into smaller break-out rooms of about 8 people so you can chat informally with some of the others if you want. At the end of the day, the same break-out rooms will remain open so you can process your experience.
“It’s a great stepping stone in the journey of recovering of peace and calm. Life does get better with time and attitude. You need to do the work and this is an excellent place to find the guidance and support.”
The 3 Workshops in Beyond Betrayal
The Obstacle is the Way: How to reframe hard things in life as opportunities to cultivate yourself and grow. There’s no way through life without struggles. This workshop will help you shift your perspective to see how facing struggles squarely will build your hope for the future.
Self-compassion: So often being abandoned takes a chunk out of a woman’s love for herself and she is left with guilt, shame and regret. This workshop will help you learn to love yourself again.
Trusting again: Many women say that their trust in others has been shaken, not only in potential future partners but also in friends or even in themselves. This workshop gives you the courage to trust again.
“Just do it! If for no other reason than the comfort of being amongst so many sassy, wonderful women who understand what you’re going through, like no one else does.”
“Whenever you can attend any seminar/retreat/group etc. narrated by Vikki Stark, please go! She will change your outlook and help with recovery.”
“The retreat has enormous value in gently showing the members of the workshop that you can and will survive the pain, sadness and shock. It is heartfelt and authentic. Vikki leads by example and as a survivor shows it is possible to go on and have a wonderful, happy and very full filling life.”