You Are Not Alone


The goal of this community site is to help you recover from Wife Abandonment Syndrome, find resources and connect with a group of supportive women going through the same thing.

You need to find those women. They’re your tribe. I know because I’ve lived on a few planets that aren’t Planet Earth myself. The healing power of even the most microscopic exchange with someone who knows in a flash precisely what you’re talking about because she experienced that thing too cannot be overestimated.
— Cheryl Strayed

Resources to give you the support you need

Read Vikki’s Books

If you have experienced Wife Abandonment Syndrome, reading Runaway Husbands is the essential first step in your recovery. It is necessary in understanding why your husband left the way he did and how to rebuild your life. You will also want to read Planet Heartbreak to hear the stories of other women who have gone through the same thing and learn what helped them recover.

Free Seven Day Email Course

Receive a daily email from Vikki that discusses The Seven Steps for Moving Forward. You will learn the basic tasks you need to heal and get small challenges to help you grow. You’ll be added to the mailing list, where you’ll get words of encouragement from Vikki and news on workshops, events and other resources to help you heal. Unsubscribe anytime.


Runaway Husbands Facebook Group

Reach out to other women in the Runaway Husbands community 24/7 through our closed Facebook group. Share your experiences and hear about theirs. Please click the button and send us a join request. You must have a Facebook account to join the group.


Vikki’s YouTube Channel

Visit Vikki's YouTube channel where you can watch dozens of videos on all aspects of recovery from Wife Abandonment Syndrome. You will find it rich with answers to the questions that have been plaguing you.

Work personally with Vikki

Hearts & Minds Online Divorce Recovery Group

You’ll be amazed at the power of a community of women who really understand. Sign up for the next eight-week (1.5hrs/week) online therapy group led by Vikki and get the understanding, help and support you need in this tremendously therapeutic group. Space is limited so sign up now.

"This group has helped me get myself back, laugh and visit with like-minded smart women." - Hearts & Minds participant

Date: Thursdays, April 17 - June 5, 2025
Time: 7pm-8:30pm Eastern
Fee: $390 US

Schedule a Skype call with Vikki Stark

One-on-One Therapy

No matter where you are in the world, get the benefit of Vikki’s personal guidance and experience in a one-on-one private Zoom therapy session. Vikki can be your therapist to shepherd you through these troubling times. Vikki is not accepting new clients full at the moment because her practice is full. Check back from time to time!

Sedona Divorce Retreat with Vikki Stark

Divorce Recovery Retreats

Attend one of Vikki's retreats in Sedona (Arizona), Punta Cana (Dominican Republic), or Montreal. These retreats are profound bonding experiences with Vikki and the other participants. You will come away energized and with renewed hope for your future. Visit the Retreat pages.

Online Workshops

Valentine’s Day Party

Let's celebrate Valentine's Day together with a fun free party online. You can volunteer to read a poem, sing a song or try out your stand-up routine - anything is welcome! Or just be part of the appreciative audience. Let's raise a glass together!

Date: Friday, February 14, 2025
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm Eastern
Fee: Free!

Meaningful Suffering

​​In this live online workshop, we will explore how to make meaning out of the intense suffering you have been going through so that you don’t feel as though you have lost the path in life.

Date: To be announced. Sign up for my newsletter in the footer to stay informed of upcoming events.
7:00pm-8:30pm Eastern
Fee: $45 USD

Resilient Grief Workshop

In this profoundly supportive online workshop, we will explore how Wife Abandonment sets off a genuine mourning response and ways to help you manage the grief.

Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
7:00pm-8:30pm Eastern
Fee: $45 USD

Free Showing of the Film, The Lady in Number 6

The Lady In Number 6 (directed by Malcolm Clarke) tells the story of Alice Herz-Sommer, a pianist from Prague who at her death at 110 was the world's oldest Holocaust survivor. In the 39 minute film, she and her two friends talk about how to love life and create meaning in spite of suffering. 

Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
3:00pm-4:30pm Eastern
Fee: Free!

three young children sitting on a stoop and smiling.


Co-Parenting with your ex can be rough. In this online workshop, we’ll explore the complications and offer some creative ways to communicate more successfully with your child’s other parent, if possible. The workshop is available either live or you can receive a recording the following day.

Date: Thursday, May 19, 2025
7:00pm-8:30pm Eastern
Fee: $45 USD

long road between fall foliage.


Sometimes, it takes a while to feel that you’ve left your experience of abandonment in the rear-view mirror. This workshop will give you a fresh perspective so you can generate some positive feelings about this next stage of your life post-divorce.

Date: Monday, June 30, 2025
7:00pm-8:30pm Eastern
Fee: $45 USD

60 Plus

Being left when you’re over 60, often from a long term marriage, can have unique challenges. Facing life as a single person when you’re already adjusting to getting older adds a new layer to that challenge. This online workshop helps you learn to love yourself and love your life, no matter how old you are.

Date: Thursday, September 25, 2025
7:00pm-8:30pm Eastern
Fee: $45 USD

Adult Children Workshop

In this live online workshop, we will dive into the complicated effect on the adult child of the father leaving and some approaches you can use to help you and your child cope.

Date: Monday, November 24, 2025
7:00pm-8:30pm Eastern
Fee: $45 USD

Use Your Creativity to Heal

Write From Your Heart

Write From Your Heart is an eight-week expressive writing workshop which provides a safe and welcoming space that promotes healing, empowerment and spiritual exploration through writing, reading our words and deep listening.

Each workshop starts with Creative Arts Therapist, Joyce Cohen, reading a poem or some other prompt that fires your imagination. Then you write free-form for 15 minutes about anything that comes to mind. Then everyone reads her work out loud. 

The group doesn’t critique, it just listens. It’s very freeing. You’ll feel heard and supported as you connect with yourself and the others. Insight, laughter and tears are hallmarks of the sessions!

Places are limited so please reserve your spot as soon as possible.

“Everything about the sessions are marked by gentleness; the participants, the process, our facilitator (Joyce). A wonderful added dimension is what happens within the group. There's a special bonding that occurs and a unique form of friendship is created. I can’t put it into words ... it has to be experienced!!!” – Pat

The next Write From Your Heart Workshop will be scheduled in 2025.

Join us for the next session later this year.

Vision Board Collage Workshop

Vision board collages open your mind to your desires and awaken you to great possibilities for your life!  Visualize your future through collage and the written word. 

Join us for a fun project and create your vision board at our next workshop led by Creative Arts Therapist, Joyce Cohen. You'll be notified about materials to prepare.

I just completed the workshop and it's been a wonderful experience - a real eye-opener! I really appreciated Joyce's gentle guidance into this intuitive way of accessing one's inner landscape.”

The next Vision Boards Workshop will be scheduled in 2025.

Join us for the next session later this year.