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“ I was stuck. This was not just a test of my marriage. But a test of my faith. Once I started reading each step, I started getting a direction to move forward. Finished day seven today and I can see my glow returning. I know I’ve got a ways to go, but having direction means everything to me. I’m now back in scripture, back celebrating with song, fellowshipping with my spiritual counselors and taking the small steps I needed toward my future. That daily email hurt me and blessed me at the same time. My group has now added daily prayers for all who are and have had to face this devastating issue. I am sharing this program with every person God brings into my path.”
“I have followed you for 4 years and find myself coming back as I progress through my new life (married 29.5 years to high school sweetheart). The journey is hard, but as times goes I continue to grow and find myself. Your books have helped at various times through this journey that I didn’t plan to be on. Most helpful is finding that the common thread through many of these stories is how these husbands do this to loving wives, and the ‘script’ that these guys seem to follow in how they leave us. In my case he was respected as a scoutmaster in scouts, she was my friend, also a leader in the troop, and I was also a leader - this was our life.... Life was good and I looked forwarding to retirement and our future. The humiliation/shame that I felt when this blew up was really hard for me and has been my biggest hurdle for me to overcome. I am sometimes still trying to figure out what happened. I’m at a good place and have grown in so many positive ways (getting back into art, starting a small craft business, while working full time and taking care of business). I can’t thank you enough for your book, website, videos, etc. for being a source to turn to that really knows what it is like to go through this hell and also give HOPE to a future that is not only good, but can be great.”
“The Runaway Husbands book let me know I’m not alone.”
“I have just read this book after watching some of the you tube videos. I also couldn’t put the book down and read it in record time. Amazing, inspirational, enlightening, encouraging, supportive, releasing, freeing and has helped me to move from my stuck place to seeing there is a future, and it’s my future. I own it, not my ex, and I along with so many others didn’t deserve the way we were treated. I loved the personal stories, emotions felt and the fridge treats to find your way through. I took on responsibility for failing which I can see now that this was projected onto me from someone I loved and trusted but who also has significant personality traits as many others have identified. Reading this book has enabled me to breakthrough and let go. It was so encouraging to know that my feelings were not odd, but like so many others. I kept saying to myself, why can’t I get over him. This book has helped me see where I was stuck and to move forward. As it says in the book, its not about him, its about you. Thank you so much for this Vicki and all the co authors - Wonderful!”
“My dad is a runaway husband. It’s been about 10 years since he left and I realize now that your book was one of the things that helped my mom and us kids get through a really tough time. Thank you.”
“At the most dark, confusing and shattering time in my life, Vikki’s book was a source of reason, guidance and comfort. I was one of the wives who was told again and again that there was no other woman, In the FB group, I truly believed I was the exception to the rule. I found out in 2020, that there was another woman all along. In another city. I would have sworn my life that he was telling me the truth about that.
I wish I had just believed the book and the FB group. Please operate under the assumption that the guidance in the book is spot on. It will keep you in a position of strength. I don’t know what I would have done without the book. It was me to a T. Including (ultimately) the reality that there is always always always another woman. We were not special. He was not just “depressed” and wondering about his life. There was a woman in ATL waiting with open arms while his wife fought for her life.”
“I could relate to Vikki’s situation because of my recent experience with my husband. Everything I am reading is spot on-the only difference I feel is that there was no other woman. If it comes to be true that he did have someone, I would be utterly, totally and completely blown away.”
“My husband had an affair when our daughter was 3 months old. We have been separated for 9 months. I just started reading about this situation and came across Vikki’s book. It is amazing to find out that this is a “thing” and I’m not alone. Being a new mom, on top of taking care of a farm & home my head was spinning and still is. This book & the blog articles remind me that it’s not a ‘me’ problem, it’s a them problem and sometimes you won’t ever fully understand why it happened and that’s okay. This is a long road but it’s comforting to know I am not alone. Thank you Vikki!”
“The 7-day email program made things clearer and showed me I am not alone or weird. Amazing how the patterns of the runaway husbands’ behaviour are consistent. They are a tribe but so are we!”
“Vikki’s book Runaway Husbands helped me to see all the emotions and feelings I had to go through. It’s still very difficult for me to go on with my life. The book gave me a lot of answers and also helped me to cope with all the sad phases I had to go through!
But I’m not alone and can share my grief with all these other women who experienced the same! Thank you so much!!”
“You always know the right things to say. And your messages always come at the perfect time. I wanted to tell you how thankful I am that I “met” you, read your book, and joined your community. I can’t express the difference its made in helping me deal with such a difficult and heartbreaking time.”
“I tried everything to wrap my head around my husband leaving when everything appeared to be wonderful. Her book described my situation perfectly. It was a long haul back to anything resembling normalcy, as I got the full monte.He cleared out bank accounts, smear campaigned, bankrupted me, left me with all the bills.
I did survive, and as Vikki writes about, I have gone on to forge a better life. Thank you Vikki for sharing your experiences and identifying this phenomenon.”
“I have just been literally stopped in my tracks, stunned by what I was hearing in the segment entitled “Runaway Husbands” on Canada AM this morning, You could have literally been describing me, a mid forties woman, informed by her husband of 25 years that “it was over”. Thank you so much on behalf of any woman who has gone through this or will do in the future.”
“Thank you so much for this wonderful book! I experienced a whole range of emotions as I read along – sometimes tears, sometimes giggles – but a whole lot of head nodding and “Yep, that was him all right!” as I turned the pages. Your book and your website have provided invaluable comfort and support in my journey towards recovery from this life altering event.”
“To say thank you would not be enough to a woman who had her own crippling pain and put it out there to heal others. I am only one of many women out there who privately honors you. For all you have done, I want you to know that your book does ease the pain.”
“I just read the article by Bella English from the Boston Globe and I am amazed at how you could possibly know my husband!! I have been unaware all this time (16 years) that he was a Runaway Husband, but now I can see that that is exactly what he is. Down to almost every detail - you have described him to a “T”!”
“The book gave me hope that I was not crazy. There was comfort in knowing the pattern of the runaway husband. Comfort in knowing I was not the only one and the stages of “the storm” would pass. Also, the exercise of sweeping the obsessive negative thoughts out of my mind was very helpful. I found the book in the early stages and feel that it literally saved my life.”