Retreats Overview

Here are the retreats I offer to help you heal from the pain of an unexpected divorce and begin to move forward with your life. You can take them in any order, however I suggest you follow them from first to last.

Attending a retreat with Vikki is a transformational experience. Here's what Jennifer, who attended the Mexico Retreat in 2019, had to say.


The Jump Up! Online isn’t just a retreat. It’s a way to start feeling normal again. I know how awful it feels when your relationship ends. You’re not in control of your emotions, you’re scared for the future, you just don’t feel yourself. And while you may be surviving – life is about much more that - it’s about thriving. The Jump Up! Online will help you move past those bad feelings and start to reclaim yourself.

Beyond Betrayal Online Retreat (formerly A Course on Happiness) is best for those who are past the initial stages and looking for how to move forward in their lives. The primary focus is not on understanding why your husband left or how he could seem so heartless. The spotlight is on you and now that this terrible thing has happened, how you’re going to build back a meaningful and happy life.

The Sedona Retreat is an in-person retreat in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. We’ll be working together in daily workshops to help you understand what happened that led to the end of your marriage, how you can stop obsessing and how you can let go and move on. Through participating in the Retreat, you will start to feel better and learn how to turn this crisis of abandonment into an opportunity for growth and change.

We'll also be exploring the magnificent landscape around Sedona, with hikes and trips to the red rocks and other events. Breathtaking Sedona is known worldwide as a center of healing. Each activity in the Retreat is designed to help you open your heart and experience emotional freedom.

Join me for a very special divorce recovery retreat in Punta Cana. This retreat will offer you the best of both worlds. We will not only be doing some important work to help you recover from the shocking end of your marriage so you can grow stronger and more optimistic about your future but the retreat is also an opportunity for you to relax - lay down your stress and worries and truly take care of yourself in the company of friends!