Wherever you are in your recovery, you need to push yourself past your comfort zone. If it’s early in the process, that may just mean getting out of bed . . . each of those little steps is essential to your recovery . . .
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – How He Morphs into an Angry Stranger
It's mystifying when our husbands change from being the loving man we knew for so long into a critical angry stranger. Here's an explanation . . .
The Other Woman
Women in our Runaway Husbands community deal with the Other Woman in a variety of ways. Some see her as an evil temptress who preyed on a vulnerable man. Others see her as a bit player in the drama – it if hadn’t been this particular woman, it would’ve been someone else . . .
Consumed by anger long after the marriage ends
Many women tell me that they hate feeling so angry all the time but they can't help themselves. They seek revenge and wish they could make their ex-husbands suffer what they’ve been suffering. I was thinking about how to help those women who can’t get out of anger’s grasp . . .
How long till I feel better?
No matter how miserable you are in the beginning, you definitely will move on and start to feel better. When you’re in the midst of it, it's hard to believe, but read on and learn some tricks to help you change your mindset . . .
The single most important ingredient in your healing process
There is a turning point in recovery from Wife Abandonment Syndrome that is for some women blatantly obvious and for others, practically invisible. It’s that moment at which it really sinks in that your husband is not coming back and...
Alright anxiety - enough! Be gone! I’m in charge now!
We all know that awful feeling - anxiety. It’s amazing how powerful it can be and how lousy it can make you feel. It can be so intense that you may think you’re having a heart attack or even, losing your mind! As a therapist, I’m always impressed at how powerful the mind is! Read on . . .
Why is recovering from the breakup easier for some women than for others?
It’s always interesting to me that women who come to my divorce recovery retreats in Sedona or Montreal may have been left by their husbands anywhere from a few months to six or seven years ago or more...