A person who relocates frequently for their spouse may experience a deeper sense of betrayal and abandonment. The sacrifice of personal goals and social networks can intensify feelings of resentment and isolation.
Using Self-Compassion to Overcome the Shame of Being Abandoned
What is shame in the first place? It’s a fundamental feeling that you have done something wrong or that there is something wrong with you and others can see it. We all have shortcomings that we’d rather the world not know about but when your husband walks away from the marriage, it may feel like your secret flaws are broadcasted to the whole world.
Trust Yourself if You’ve Been Gaslighted!
Is my husband gaslighting me - saying whatever he wants to undermine my version of our relationship so that he can have an excuse for “having” to leave? Believing yourself in the face of someone else’s adamant denial of your reality requires grit. Trust your lived experience!
When He Abandons You, Don't Abandon Yourself
You need to become a fighter for your own happiness and get defiantly determined to grab hold of your life and, no matter what stage you’re at, put one foot in front of the other and craft the next chapter. Your ex doesn’t get to define you. You do! And you don’t need to be perfect to love yourself.
A Celebration of Women on International Women's Day
I’ve noticed that the women who participate in Runaway Husbands activities are smart, deep, warm, special. Maybe it goes with the paradigm - abandoned wives tend to be empaths - caring and self-sacrificing . . .
It’s Time to Dial Down Your Ex’s Power Over You
My wish for you is that you turn down his power to upset you so that rather than getting wounded or outraged, you can say, “There he goes again - I know his tricks and ways!” My wish is that you will be able to remember that the thing he did to hurt you today, won’t hurt so much in three days . . .
He Got Away With It! Knowing When to Let Go
Justice is a luxury that most abandoned wives don’t get to enjoy. But rather than letting it consume you, you need to recognize when it's time to accept that you won't get closure from him and give up trying . . .
How Not to Have a Victim Mentality Although You’ve Been Victimized
Once you have mastered the Stoic approach, rather than bemoaning things that happen to you that you may label as bad or unfortunate, you’ll learn to welcome them as an opportunity to hone your ability to create value from adversity . . .
Why did it hurt so bad when your husband left?
Rejection, betrayal and the loss of the dream of your future all figure into why it hurts so bad, but there is an even deeper reason. Attachment injury touches you in a primal place making that sudden loss of attachment feel like a physical assault.
How Can I Trust Again?
You really have two choices. You can close up shop and not risk any new relationship which means that you will be safe but also may miss out on the pleasure of having someone in your life. Or, you can open your heart wisely, taking a chance with no assurances but being willing to expand your life to admit someone else . . .
What Alice Herz-Sommer Taught Me About Life
The Lady in Number 6 touched my soul, not because of the experience Alice Sommers had in the camps but because of the person she was and her approach towards life. She was born an optimist and was always laughing, even in the camps.
Powering Up and Powering Out When Your Husband Leaves
So, Tinker Bell, how do you get your pixie dust back now that your ex has scattered it to the winds? How do you get back your power, now that you no longer have that socially sanctioned, well-defined role of wife?
A Celebration of Women
I’ve really gotten to know the women in our runaway husbands world and so often have been dazzled by them. In the early years, I started to notice that the women who participate in my activities are smart, deep, warm, special . . .
Don't Throw Out Those Christmas Tree Ornaments!
Christmas tree ornaments are about family time. Each one contains inside it a little bomb of a memory. As you unpack each colorful bauble, you’ll remember where you were when the two of you got it.
When You Can't See the Mountain for the Trees
So think about it for a moment. In the intensity of longing for something you have lost, have you lost sight of the precious gifts you still have?
Does How It Ended Negate the Marriage that Went Before?
If your husband leaving can contribute to you struggling to become a more positive person, to strengthen your appreciation of your life just as it is, so you can love life, no matter what is happening, then you can chalk it up to experience.
Advice for the Family and Friends of an Abandoned Wife
Just remember, as huge as this feels, it too shall pass and you all can return to a new but different life at some point. In the meantime, pat yourself on your back - you’re doing a wonderful job!
What You've Lost - What Still Remains
How can you be both authentic and feel your true feelings while, at the same time, work on cultivating the awareness that although you have lost so much, you still have so much left?
Where are my Cakes and Casseroles? How Being Widowed Is Different From Being Abandoned
Why don’t we have a divorce funeral? A rite of passage to acknowledge the end of the marriage rather than what we currently do, which is to slink away in hurt and shame?
How long does it take to recover from Wife Abandonment?
If your happiness is dependent on you living the life you had in the past, then you will never be happy again because that life is over. But perhaps, you need to make a new definition of what constitutes your future life and potential happiness. Rather than focusing on all you have lost, can you tally up all you still have? . . .